19th-21st September, Swamini Vishwadayamatianandama(a.k.a. Swamini Dayamati) hosted Atma Kriya retreat in Nagano, Japan.
Total 30+ people took part in this retreat. Many of them didn't know know each other. Even people who had never practiced Yoga participated. And yet the atmosphere of unity surrounded us.
First we visited Togakushi shrine to pray for the successful retreat.
In Japan some ancient trees become objects of worship |
スワミニの始めの挨拶 Opening Speech by Swamini Dayamati |
1日目のオーム・チャンティング Om Chanting on Day 1 |
1日目のグル・プージャ Guru Puja on Day 1 |
1日目の勉強会 Study circle on Day 1 |
In study circle, Swamini shared what she learned in Shreemad Bhagavatam course. Here is an excerpt.
"In the morning, we should pray to God, "Today, God, please reveal Yourself to me,"If you couldn't see Him that day, the next day you should pray like that again . As we don't know Him, it's important to pray like this."
2日目のアートマ・クリヤ・ヨーガの模様 Atma Kriya Yoga on Day2 |
2日目のジャパ・ウォーク(マントラを唱えながらの歩く瞑想) Parikrama(Japa Walk) on Day2 |
2日目のババジの太陽礼拝 Babaji's Surya Namaskar on Day2 |
2日目の夕食 Day2 Dinner |
2日目のオーム・チャンティング Day2 Om Chanting |
神の恩寵によりその前日まで雨続きだったのに、この3日間は晴天に恵まれました。とりわけ2回目のオームチ ャンティングは、青空の下、緑の山々と文字通り鏡のような鏡池のそばで行われ、参加者全員とその周りの人たち、生き物、地球を大いに癒してくれました。雲の中に女神様のお顔が見えたという人もいて多くの人がハートが開く体験をしました。
By God's Grace, we had wonderful weather, despite the fact the it had kept raining before this event. The blue sky, green mountain and clear lake(appropriately named Lake Mirror) helped us heal the people, the animals, the earth and ourselves. One person saw a face of Goddess in a cloud.
ヤグナ |
- 既に神を実現し、この世にただ与えるためだけにやってくる存在
- サット・グルだけが私たちをアートマン(真我)に導いてくれる
- サット・グルの資質は「静けさ」であり、必要なこと以外、話をしない
- 私たちは知識(思考が捉えられること)を山ほど積むことはできる。しかし、それを知恵(魂レベルで真に理解できること)に変えるためには、サット・グルの恩恵がなければならない。
最後に、「マスターに出会っ たら、そのチャンスをつかむのが、私たちの義務です」とおっしゃいました。
Here is an excerpt from Swamini's another study circle.
Question: What is SatGuru?
Answer: SatGuru is
- the one who has attained God-realization and came to this world just to give.
- the only one who can lead us to Atman
- whose essential quality is silence. He doesn't speak unnecessary words.
- and no matter how much knowledge our mind learn, only through the Grace of SatGuru, the knowledge becomes true wisdom(understanding by soul)
She concluded by saying that it's our duty to grasp the opportunity once we met our master.
Grace of Mahavatar Babaji and Sri Swami Vishwananda made this event possible. Also Swamini Dayamati, people from Nagano who supported Swamini, people who participated without knowing what they were gonna do....every person played their role accordingly with their open hearts. This gave us hope for further expansion of Bhakti Marga family in Japan.
Jay Gurudev